contegiacomoJan 29DivorceHow The Generosity of a Party’s Parent Can Impact Issues in a DivorceBy: Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] Matrimonial matters primarily focus on determining custody and parenting time for the parties’ children as...
Sheryl SeidenAug 5, 2022Equitable DistributionHow To Prove a Dissipation Claim and How to Protect Against DissipationBy Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] It is not uncommon for a spouse to question the other spouse's spending of marital assets when they are...
Sheryl SeidenJul 8, 2022Equitable DistributionEquitable Distribution Should be Equitable – Which is Not Always EqualBy: Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] As matrimonial practitioners, we have the responsibility of assisting parties in a divorce in equitably...
Sheryl SeidenMay 4, 2022Equitable DistributionStandard of Living for Purposes of Equitable DistributionThe purpose of equitable distribution is for a fair and equitable division of marital property. Pressler, Current N.J. Court Rules,...
Sheryl SeidenJan 13, 2022Equitable DistributionEquitably Distributing Executive CompensationBy: Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] In determining how to equitably distribute executive compensation, first, the type of executive...