Sheryl SeidenAug 5, 2022Equitable DistributionHow To Prove a Dissipation Claim and How to Protect Against DissipationBy Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] It is not uncommon for a spouse to question the other spouse's spending of marital assets when they are...
Sheryl SeidenAug 2, 2022Domestic ViolenceSeiden Security Tips: I Found Spyware on My Device During the DivorceBefore you brush this off as a slippery-slope argument, think about how many of us do not have the special set of skills necessary for...
Christine FitzgeraldAug 1, 2022Custody/ParentingCo-parenting Convo: School DaysBy Christine C. Fitzgerald Summer always seems to go by quicker than a flash – or quicker than Allyson Felix can run! Before we know it...