Sheryl SeidenJan 19, 2022AlimonyA Summary of Top Alimony CasesBy Sheryl J. Seiden[1] Alimony is one of the most difficult financial issues to resolve in our matrimonial cases. N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23(b)...
Sheryl SeidenJan 13, 2022Equitable DistributionEquitably Distributing Executive CompensationBy: Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.[1] In determining how to equitably distribute executive compensation, first, the type of executive...
-Dec 25, 2021Custody/ParentingCo-parenting Convo: Christmas & the Pandemic: What Do You Do When One Party is Struggling FinancialBy Lucy Reynoso It is officially the holiday season! Despite the confusing times brought by COVID-19, the Christmas spirit is alive with...